Dra. Onandía

Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine and General Surgery

Collegiate nº 070708492

Curriculum vitae

2022 - 2023

Director of the Aesthetic Medicine Unit

Pueblo Español CeMPE Medical Center

2021 - 2023

Member of the Aesthetic Medicine Unit of the Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Unit

Juaneda Hospitals

2017 - 2023

Director of the Ambulatory Major Surgery Unit

Cruz Roja Hospital

2017 - 2022

Medical Director

Elite Aesthetic Medicine Center Palma

2014 - 2017

Member of the General Surgery and Digestive System team

Hospital Juaneda Miramar


General Surgery Emergency Team Leader.

2009 - 2013

Tutor of students of 6th of Medicine in their rotation by the Service of General Surgery

Faculty of Lisbon

Member of the Esophagogastric Surgery team

Setúbal Hospital Center, Portugal

2003 - 2009

Resident Physician of General Surgery and Digestive Ap. of the Hospital Center of Setúbal

Setúbal Hospital Center, Portugal

Rotations in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery


Robotic Surgery

San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid

Scientific Activities

As author

  • Ophthalmopathy associated with thyroid pathology.González M, Metello J, Eusébio R, Rocha V. Work published in “Acta Médica Portuguesa 2004; 17:329-334”
  • Sternal metastasis of renal adenocarcinoma.González M, Matias M, Quintana C, Azeda C, Sá Vieira V, Rocha V, Mendonça Ferreira L. Published in the Portuguese Journal of Surgery (Official Organ of the Portuguese Society of Surgery). II Series. No. 6. September 2008. .
  • Diverticular disease of the colon. • Divertikelerkrankung des Dickdarms. Bibliographic review – González M, Santos G, Mendonça Ferreira L. Published in the Magazine “O Boletim” do Internato Médico do Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal.

As co-author

  • Heart failure, diarrhea and flusing: Neuroendocrine tumor? Published in the Portuguese Journal of Surgery. II Series. No. 18. October 2011
  • Hiatal hernia. Literature review. Published in the Portuguese Journal of Surgery. II Series. Nº 22 April 2012.
  • GIST (Gastrointestinal stromal tumor)apropos of a clinical case. Published in the Portuguese Journal of Surgery. II series. Nº26 January 2012.

HELICS (Hospital in Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance) – with the aim of surveillance of nosocomial infections within the General Surgery Service.

AUDITS of medical records following regulations 35. During the rotation of Oncological Surgery, in the Surgery Service II of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid, she worked on the research project on “MELANOMA: usefulness of the portable gamma camera in the identification of the sentinel node”.

  • Spanish Society of Surgeons -AEC
  • Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine -SEME
  • Spanish Society of Hair Restitution -SERECAP
  • Minimally Invasive Society-SMI
  • College of Physicians of the Balearic Islands